Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Christmas Stampin All Year Long - Sketch #7

This sketch was "do it yourself", no sketch to follow.....uggh I really don't like mine at all, Maria deserves SO much better lol. All I can say is I was sick and boy did I struggle with this card LOL. Perhaps I need instruction lol. I just can't say where I went wrong...I just did lol Maria I promise to do much much better on Sketch #8. The other girls though did a fabu job...you have to check them out on the CSAYL Blog and don't forget to vote on which layout you'd like for Sketch #9....you can vote on the CSAYL Blog in the comment section or on Papercraft Planet.


Michele Kovack said...

I think we are always our own worst critics! The card is beautiful! : )

Maria said...

Oh Charlene! I don't know why you don't like your card. I think it's beautiful. It has an elegant touch to it. The layout is fabulous too!! I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I'm just getting over my cold. It sucks to be sick. I hope you feel better soon!!! Take care of yourself!


Vicki G said...

I think you card is pretty Charlene

Feel better soon 'kay?


de said...

Don't you LOVE Maria?! She is super talented and super dooper sweet! I love your card... wish I could get motivated to do Christmas... argh.